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End Point Assessment and Useful Links

Apprenticeship End Point Assessment (EPA)

South Farnham SCITT (SF SCITT) is an 'End Point Assessment Organisation' (EPAO) for the Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship (ST0490/AP01).

Surrey South Farnham SCITT has been on the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) end point assessment organisation register since 2018. We have a large team of experienced and skilled end point assessors who can complete end point assessments countrywide.  

We are committed to ensuring that End Point Assessment provides an opportunity for apprentices to showcase their skills as newly qualified teachers, exemplifying how their learning during their initial teacher training has benefitted their students, colleagues, and the organisation they work in.

Our end point assessment team host a plethora of knowledge and experience in education. They are highly qualified with a breadth of senior leadership experience. Collectively to date they have successfully completed over 300 face-to-face end point assessments for teacher apprentices in a wide range of educational settings across the country.

South Farnham SCITT's EPAO service

South Farnham SCITT's EPAO service is independent to our provision of apprenticeship training. To ensure consistency and impartiality the EPA cannot be carried out by the training provider delivering the apprenticeship (in accordance with Institute for Apprenticeship & Technical Education regulations). The assessment plan at the bottom of this page describes how the apprentice is assessed at the end of their apprenticeship and by whom.

Employers have the option to secure our services to conduct the end point assessment of an apprentice (not trained by South Farnham SCITT) once they have achieved QTS and met the gateway requirements. This is generally during the fourth term of their apprenticeship (first term of the ECT year) but can be earlier than this depending upon the start date of the apprenticeship.

You can find an end-point assessment organisation for your apprentice by following this link on the website. Or alternatively, please complete an expression of interest and a member of the team will be in touch to discuss the process with you. Please note that an EPAO must be appointed at least three months prior to completing the training.

What does an end point assessment involve?
  • A lesson observed and assessed, by the independent assessor. The apprentice will draft a lesson plan, in line with their school’s format. This will be given to the independent assessor prior to the lesson observation. A short professional dialogue (approximately 15 minutes) about the observed lesson will follow.
  • A professional panel discussion, which will assess the apprentices’ knowledge, skills and behaviours required of a teacher with regard to the PGTA teacher standard. The professional panel discussion will be held between the apprentice and a panel, composed of the independent assessor, a representative from the apprenticeship training provider and a representative from the employer who has been involved in the apprentice’s training and development (such as professional mentor or support tutor).
  • The independent assessor will assess the content of the professional panel discussion and evidence shared. The apprentice is encouraged to bring with them a portfolio of work completed during Initial Teaching Training. The portfolio will not be assessed but will provide the apprentice with an aid during the professional discussion. South Farnham SCITT provide apprentices with a copy of an ‘EPA5 Part 2 Checklist’ to complete prior to their end point assessment. The purpose of this is to support apprentices with identifying evidence to demonstrate the ways they have met part two of the Teachers’ Standards.
Roles and Responsibilities

The apprentice will:


  • Have achieved QTS and the relevant English and mathematics qualifications prior to their provider and employer confirming that the gateway requirements have been met.
  • Have completed one year of apprenticeship training prior to EPA.
  • Demonstrated progress in and coverage of subject knowledge for teaching (across the full breadth of the curriculum) and have been assessed as meeting or exceeding the baseline requirements for QTS (against the Teachers' Standards).
  • Ensure that they are familiar with the statutory requirements of teachers in England and Wales, and codes of professional conduct.
  • Have developed a portfolio of evidence showing that the Teachers' Standards for QTS have been met.
  • Provide a lesson plan for the end point assessor prior to the final observed lesson.
  • Prepare for a professional discussion with the assessor and a representative from both the employer and ITE provider.

The employer will:

  • Have employed the candidate as a member of the school's teaching staff and completed Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and disqualification by association checks (including a check of the children's barred list), prohibition check and have been declared suitable to work with children.
  • Provide evidence that the apprentice has successfully met gateway requirements prior to EPA. Agree with the provider when the apprentice is ready for EPA.
  • Release the apprentice and a representative of the employer to attend the assessment.
  • Take responsibility for any employment-based complaints (these should be addressed through the employing school's complaints procedure).
  • Maintain good communication with the ITE provider and SF SCITT.

The ITE provider will:

  • Confirm that the apprentice has been awarded QTS and that the training completed has exceeded the minimum duration of the apprenticeship (12 months and one week).
  • Provide a copy of the ITE final assessment report or summary of final outcomes for each apprentice.
  • In agreement with the employer, ensure that all gateway requirements are met.
  • Select SF SCITT as the chosen EPAO and agree the cost of this service.
  • Release a representative of the provider to attend the assessment professional discussion.
  • Maintain good communication with the employer, apprentice and SF SCITT.
  • Take responsibility for any training-based complaints (these should be addressed through the provider's complaints procedure).
  • Accurately update the apprentice's ILR in line with ESFA policy.
  • Ensure prompt payment of SF SCITT invoices relating to EPA work.
  • Ensure that this agreement is signed and returned to SF SCITT.

SF SCITT will:

  • Seek confirmation from the employer and provider that gateway requirements have been met.
  • Confirm costs and agree these with the provider.
  • Inform ESFA that the employer has selected SF SCITT as the EPAO within four weeks of this agreement being formalised.
  • Provide coherent exemplification materials and assessment criteria for assessment against the Standard.
  • Appoint and train suitably qualified and experienced EPA assessors.
  • Provide the administration for the apprentice's assessment, including reporting and organisation of the quality assurance and moderation processes.
  • Provide clarity of roles, responsibilities, resourcing and financial procedures.
  • Make every effort to manage and mitigate any potential or real conflict of interest in the delivery of its EPA services.
  • Liaise with ESFA regarding apprenticeship certification.

For copies of the following documents, please contact us at

  • Assessment exemplification criteria and guidance
  • EPA Assessment pro-formas
  • Quality Assurance procedures
  • Complaints and Appeals Policy
  • Conflict of Interest Policy
  • Fair Access Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy